Singapore – It’s been my pleasure!
Just as fast as the first half of my internship flew by, so did the second. I finally felt like I was settling into the daily work routine, and my last day of the internship arrived.
The second half of “Singapore” was quite unspectacular. After my little trip to Ho Chi Minh City, my parents came to visit. The city started to feel more and more like “everyday life.” Since I had already visited the most important attractions, my sightseeing was mostly done. More about this in my next blog post.
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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
As indicated in my previous blog post, my internship allowed me to work from the Ho Chi Minh City office for a week. Of course, I couldn’t pass on this opportunity, so I extended my stay in Vietnam a little longer to see the city and its surrounding areas.
Singaporean Halftime
This Wednesday marked the end of the first half of my 11 weeks in Singapore. The really interesting part? At that time, I was in Ho Chi Minh City, in Vietnam. Later I will tell you how that happened.
Looking back, it is a bit crazy how everything has developed. A year ago, I had just accepted the fact that I would be moving to the US for two years. But did I imagine that I would be spending the next summer in Asia? No, for sure not!
Turner Impact Portfolio Challenge
This year marked the sixth year of the Turner Impact Portfolio Challenge (TIPC). It is an ESG investment competition for students that takes approximately six months and is organized by the ESG Initiative at the Wharton School. The event is sponsored by Bobby Turner and Bank of America. The goal of the competition is to increase interest in sustainable and impact investing across all asset classes. 175 students (in 40 teams) from 16 universities across the U.S participated in the competition this year.