Welcome to Fletcher School!

Saturday, September 09th 2023

Anyone who has ever attended an orientation week or even just one event of this kind knows how exhausting something like this can be. Information upon information stuffed into you like there’s no tomorrow. Fortunately, my orientation sessions at TUFTS University were paused by coffee and tea breaks or other activities.

The general daily routine was as follows: In the morning we had an optional breakfast buffet, followed by the morning or mid-morning information block. For lunch, we met with our assigned, fixed “lunch group” and the next block of events followed in the afternoon.

Monday (08/28/2023) was dedicated to “Get to Know your new Campus and Academic Part I”. This means that first everyone picked up their student ID. In addition, we all got an orange Fletcher water bottle as well and a name tag, that we will use during lectures. This was followed by a short welcome and a panel discussion by four professors about what to expect in the classroom. Afterwards, we had a well-deserved break in the form of lunch, and to make sure we didn’t fall asleep afterwards, we immediately continued with a campus tour as well as a scavenger hunt through the Fletcher building. Up and down the stairs and back up again – after the first day, no one really knew their way around.

The highlight of the day was the joint MIB meeting at Orleans restaurant with all participants of the MIB and MIB:QM program.

And if you’re already thinking: That was a busy and exhausting day, you’re absolutely right. On Monday evening I fell into bed completely exhausted and had to process all the information while I slept.

Tuesday (08/29/2023) was led under the creative motto: “Academics Part II”. Fortunately, the day started relaxed at 10 a.m. In order for all of us to broaden our horizons already on the second day, we attended a very interesting presentation by Chairman Brian Weeden, who is the head of the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe. He is also the youngest tribal leader in history. Although I was aware that I would broaden my horizon during my time at Fletcher, I didn’t expect it to happen so quickly.

Before lunch, another presentation introduced us to the Fletcher Code of Honore, as well as academic integrity. At Fletcher, the master’s thesis is also referred to as a capstone project, which it apparently is in the truest sense of the word. Anyone who still had questions about course registration was given the opportunity to ask them during the afternoon. At this point, it probably won’t surprise anyone that I have caused some chaos and confusion with my questions.

Tuesday was rounded off by a so-called “Ice Cream Social”. In addition to ice cream, there were smaller outdoor group games that created a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere. To further loosen things up, families and partners were also invited.

Our Wednesday (08/30/2023) had the motto: “Your Life outside the Classroom”. Appropriately, all international students started with an information session, which also included a few useful tips and tricks for studying and living within the US. This was followed by a presentation about engagement outside of lectures, the career service center, and the student service center. We also got a glimpse at upcoming Fletcher events. As the Fletcher School celebrates its 90th birthday this year, there will be some special events to mark this occasion. The day concluded with a fair of various service centers.

Thursday (08/31/2023) was already the last day of orientation week and dealt with the topic “Community”. For me, however, the day started with a small introduction to the library and its resources, followed by a team building activity. After that, a cold buffet awaited us, followed by an event about the origins of the Fletcher School as well as Fletcher alumni

The End-of-Orientation Celebratory Reception concluded the week of orientation and included coffee and cake.

Friday (09/01/2023) was shopping-day. But neither food, nor – much to my regret – clothing, shoes or handbags…but lectures. Those who were still uncertain about their course enrollment or wanted to obtain further information were invited to attend various lectures given by the corresponding professors.

Despite my love for shopping, this was not necessary in my case, since I will mostly attend my required courses during the first semester.

In any case, the weekend was well deserved and after an extended break (Monday was Labor Day), lectures will finally start on Tuesday – I’m excited!

Jumbo – The mascot of TUFTS-University

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