March 2024 Update

Sunday, March 31st 2024

It has been a long time since you’ve heard from me, and I finally got the time to update you on my life.

A lot has happened since the new semester started. Initially, lectures and the final sprint of the Turner Impact Portfolio Competition (TIPC) kept me well occupied. The deadline for the competition was on February 25, 2024. A lot of this work disappeared afterward. Last week, we received the fantastic news that we made it to the finals. So, on April 4th, the rest of the team and I will travel to Philadelphia to present our portfolio to the jury.

Our mid-term exams followed at the end of February, immediately after the competition deadline, and our well-deserved spring break (March 17, 2024 – March 22, 2024) started. The semester will be over in five weeks, and I’m asking myself where all the time has gone.

What happened in the last two months, and how did I spend my time?

In addition to my now regular gym visits, I also went to “Harvard Art Museums @ Night“. This event occurs on the last Thursday of every month from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. It’s an excellent opportunity to explore the museum and Harvard Square at night. The Harvard Art Museum offers musical entertainment and a small buffet from a local restaurant during this event. The museum’s website provides a detailed overview of all events.

As part of the TIPC competition, I visited Baker Library at Harvard Business School. The library is like a museum and was worth the trip. Since I was already there, I had a look at Harvard Business School as well.

To celebrate the end of the Chinese year, my friends and I organized a reunion dinner following Chinese tradition. It is now the Year of the Dragon, and as I was taught, the Chinese zodiac signs repeat every twelve years. 

For the first time in almost six months, I overcame my fears and tried a restaurant with German cuisine. While the beer menu was quite authentic, the food wasn’t so good. Therefore, it won’t be included in my restaurant guide. However, my curiosity has been aroused, and I will try out more “German” restaurants in the future. Maybe I’ll find a good one at some point.

And finally, my highlight since January: Tim and I took advantage of spring break and flew to an island nation in the eastern Caribbean. For me, it was not only a welcomed change from the still very miserable weather in Boston (it’s raining right now, and we have a temperature of around 1 degree Celsius) but also an excellent opportunity to relax and do nothing for a few days. I’m sure I’ll need the new energy for the remaining weeks of the semester.

Harvard Art Museums @ Night

On our way to Boston, we stopped at TWA Hotel

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